Rockstar GTA-Online

Epic: Wij maken geen games voor de Wii


Vice-president Mark Rein van Epic heeft in een interview met GamesIndustry gemeld dat deze ontwikkelaar waarschijnlijk nooit met een Wii game op de markt gaat komen. De Wii is namelijk niet hun medium.

No we don't have any plans to make something for the Wii. That's like asking a sculptor when he's going to start painting. That's just not our medium. That's not our area of expertise - our area of expertise is the more high-end consoles and things that push technology higher. That's what we do - there's a lot more water in that well for us, when that runs dry then maybe we'd have to think of doing something else but I don't think that well is going to run dry anytime soon.

Dus geen games voor de Wii, maar wel nieuws over Gears of War 2 en Unreal Tournament III lees je verder in dit interview.

Rockstar GTA-Online
Rockstar GTA-Online