Gameliner logo 20 jaar

Kritiek op QTE Heavy Rain niet eerlijk


Er zijn de laatste tijd nogal wat klachten over de Quick Time Events in Heavy Rain. De co-CEO van Quantic Dreams, Guillaume de Fondaumiere, is het hier echter niet mee eens, en vindt de kritiek 'oneerlijk'.

I think they're unfair. I think the QTE's we have in our game are very different from the ones even in Shenmue, which I also think was a great game. First of all it's not really about success of failure. It's about unfolding animations and being in control. It's about immediately seeing the outcome of your decisions
As you will have seen, sometimes you can fail at a particular moment, but it doesn't necessarily mean you're going to lose your character. The story continues and unfolds regardless, and so in that regard I think we have a QTE system that I would a 'next-gen QTE system'. It's powerful and it rally enables us to offer such a huge variety of actions that other games simply can't offer.