Gameliner logo 20 jaar

Marketing van Red Faction: Guerrilla kon beter


Volgens de CEO van uitgever THQ, Brian Farrel, had de marketing van hun game Red Faction: Guerrilla nog een stuk beter gekund. Ondanks dat de game nu al meer dan een miljoen keer over de toonbank is gegaan, geeft Farrel het marketing team een 'B' als 'cijfer'.

I'd give us a B on the launch of Red Faction Guerilla. I think we did a good job, but I think we can do a better job with the next generation creating day one demand. As you know we moved the title a couple of times. That doesn't help. I'm very pleased with a lot of the strides we've made recently, but that doesn't mean we can't do some things better.

Games die in het vervolg onder het 'Red Faction' label uit moeten komen, zullen volgens Farrel meer ondersteuning en downloadable content krijgen.

We look at it as a revenue opportunity, but more importantly what we've learned with DLC is customer retention and customer engagement, primarily to prevent trade in and used games and to keep that brand active with the consumer. So when we look at DLC, the revenue, it's not that great. It's good, but we also like the fact that it keeps the customers engaged with our games for a long period of time.