Activision veranderd van strategie


In een interview met website Joystiq heeft Dave Stohl executive vice-president van Activision aangegeven dat Activision van het huidige business model zal afstappen, waarbij studio's aan meerdere games tegelijk werken.

Het heeft geen zin om meerdere games tegelijk te maken. Laten we onze focussen op één game tegelijk, aldus Stohl.

People want the freedom to put all their resources against the big opportunity, and that's what we're trying to do. We saw it kinda coalesce around one or two titles a publisher.

On the Guitar Hero side, yeah, we're not pursuing the strategy of doing as many SKUs as we were. And that's a good thing, because that will simplify the strategy around one release on the Guitar Hero side and focus on innovation there.

So the opportunities and projects are just bigger; they're more challenging. And it absolutely takes focus. I mean, it really does.

Dat komt er kort op neer dat alle studio's die voor Activision werken aan één project werken momenteel. Daarnaast geeft Stohl aan dat er veel meer games gaan komen waarbij het netwerk nodig is.

The fact that Call of Duty is a game that really promotes a connected network — this big backend environment that promotes competition, that promotes play with your buddies — I think those are important things we want to see in all of our games.

That doesn't mean that every game is a natural hardcore, 'player versus player' kind of experience, but there's a certain kind of community — social connected piece — to it.