Medal of Honor krijgt speeltjes mogelijk een demo


Zojuist heeft executive producer van Medal of Honor, Greg Goodrich, aangegeven met een demo te willen komen later dit jaar. Wanneer de demo moet gaan verschijnen en voor welke platformen is nog niet duidelijk.

De game zal niet zomaar een moderne oorlog setting bevatten, ook worden er speeltjes in de game gestopt, waar ook de Tier 1 Operator in het echt gebruik van maakt, aldus Goodrich.

This is the first Medal of Honor game not set in World War II. We are set in modern times with the fight that is currently taking place in Afghanistan. We had a story we wanted to tell, and it was about what the soldiers are going through right now and the Tier 1 Operators we were introduced to - they brought a different flavor and have really come into their own in this fight
So, we never sat down and said 'Hey we want to be in Afghanistan, we want to be modern', it was just a story we wanted to tell and these guys are pretty interesting. It's compelling, and we also tell the story of the other side. The Sledgehammer, the big-military side and while you play lots of it as a Tier 1 Operator, you're gonna have the opportunity to play as a US Army Ranger, as an attack helicopter pilot. You're gonna get both sides, you're gonna get that feeling of full-force multiplayer.

The shooter genre is very competitive and if you don't show up with quality, there's no point in showing up at all. So we have a full team in Los Angeles working on the single-player and DICE over in Sweden working on the multiplayer.

Medal of Honor staat gepland voor dit jaar en moet gaan verschijnen voor de pc, Xbox 360 en PlayStation 3.