Probeer Age of Conan gratis

Remco van  Woensel
Door Remco van Woensel

Funcom heeft aangekondigd dat je nu een gratis trial van Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures kunt downloaden. Zo krijgen gamers van over de hele wereld de kans om zeven dagen lang de wereld van Age of Conan te verkennen.

Morten Larssen, Vice President Sales & Marketing bij Funcom:

There is a world of gamers out there who have never played Age of Conan and we want them to experience what hundreds of thousands of gamers have before them. The game has matured tremendously since launch, and we feel confident that this is the time to launch a trial. Age of Conan is simply bigger and better than it ever was, and we want both new and previous players alike to experience that!"

Download de Age of Conan trial hier.