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Details eerste Killzone 3-patch bekend


Vrijdag 25 februari verschijnt Killzone 3 voor de PlayStation 3. Voor die tijd konden we al een open bèta en een demo van de game spelen.

Guerrilla Games heeft veel feadback gehad op de bèta en de demo. Killzone 3 zal daarom op de dag van de release gelijk een update bevatten. Alle wijzigingen in deze update kan je hieronder vinden.

Increased the number of melee kills needed to unlock Increased Accuracy
StA-3 LMG has had its spread increased and overall accuracy lowered
Lowered the range and recoil of the LS-57 SMG
Silent Footsteps has been removed as a ribbon and is now an unlockable skill
Capturing a Capture and Hold area in Operations will award the same amount of points as it does in Warzone - it was previously worth less
A specific screen has been added to inform players when a Skill has been unlocked
Medic: The LS-57 SMG replaces their previously equipped StA-11 SMG
Medic: The M224-1A LMG replaces their previously equipped LS-13 Shotgun
Engineer: The StA-11 SMG replaces their previously equipped LS-57 SMG
Tactician: The LS-13 Shotgun replaces their previously equipped M224-1A LMG
Tactician: Neutralizing and capturing Tactical Spawn Areas now have two different timers, allowing you to neutralize the ownership away from the enemy faction quicker
Tactician: Spot & Mark has been rebalanced - it will now 'pulse' like a sonar for 30 seconds, rather than stay constantly active during its duration
Infiltrator: Disguise ranges for each rank has been adjusted. At rank 1, any player can see through Disguise when targeting the Infiltrator. At rank 2, a player must be within 30m range. At rank 3, a player must be within 15m range. Additionally, Disguise at rank 2 has had its timer set to 'indefinite' and is no longer based on a timer.
Infiltrator: The sprint speed modifier earned from Survivalist has been decreased
New online trophies can be unlocked from the Retro Pack DLC
Kick-voting has been added to online matches
Experience points earned for completing mission objectives has been increased

Clans and Squads:
You can no longer rejoin a clan match that has already finished
Current clan ratings are more accurately reflected at the beginning of the match
Players will no longer start the game in a squad by themselves
Clan matches will no longer end in a draw if one clan quits out (therefore forfeiting) before the remaining clan is able to score points in Guerrilla Warfare
You will no longer hang after pressing the Start button right after accepting a clan invite on the region select screen

Network Issues:
Network errors experienced during the open bèta, such as 20002 and 8001, should no longer occur
A 30 second time-out has been added to Multiplayer joining screen, should you experience an interruption in your connection
Players that don't have the Retro Pack, who tried joining a friend who was currently playing on a Retro Pack map, will no longer receive a network error code

General Bugs:
You will no longer have the Your Faction Has Won/Lost image roll over into subsequent matches
You will no longer receive multiple unlock points when the server is out of sync
You will no longer accumulate additional unlock points after everything has been unlocked
Fixed an issue that caused the menu to stop responding after switching rapidly between the career unlocks screen and the multiplayer main menu
The Bullet Damage ribbon reward is now applied to all primary and secondary weapons that fire bullets
Tactician: Fixed an issue that prevented players from re-activating Spot & Mark for 60 seconds after they were killed with it active

Stutter issues stemming from cutscenes that were loaded from the menu have been resolved
Icy Incursion: Audio is now in sync during the cutscene played while streaming into Providence Station

Improved streaming performance for a smoother gameplay experience

Sharp shooter:
Square button is mapped to Jump when using the Sharpshooter
Adjusted the deadzone modifier when using the Sharpshooter

PlayStation Move:
Fixed a possible crash that could occur after playing the campaign while using the motion controller

Killzone 3 is now integrated into the PSN store
Enhanced security features included to deter cheating

In dit artikel

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Packshot Killzone 3


Guerrilla Games


Sony Interactive Entertainment


25 februari 2011

