Maxis had discussies over homohuwelijk bij ontwikkeling De Sims
gisterenDat je in De Sims niet in het huwelijksbootje kunt stappen is bij de ontwikkeling van de game een groot punt geweest. Ze waren bang voor de controverse.
Eerst was de franchise Scene It? eigendom van Microsoft. Inmiddels heeft Warner Bros. de licentie gekocht en dat betekent dat de franchise niet meer alleen op de Xbox 360 verschijnt.
Zo zal Scene It? Bright Lights! Big Screen! verschijnen voor de Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3 en Xbox 360. Natuurlijk zal de PlayStation 3-versie Trophies bevatten. Welke er te halen vallen, heeft Warner Bros. vandaag vrijgegeven. Check de volledige lijst hieronder.
Home Rentals ( Bronze Trophy)
Complete 10 games in Classic or Fast Fire.
Video Store Clerk ( Bronze Trophy)
Complete 15 games in Classic or Fast Fire.
Short Film ( Bronze Trophy)
Play a Short Game.
Bit Part ( Bronze Trophy)
Score 60,000 points in a Short Game.
Supporting Role ( Bronze Trophy)
Score 100,000 points in a Short Game.
Epic Feature ( Bronze Trophy)
Play a Long Game.
Star ( Bronze Trophy)
Score 100,000 points in a Long Game.
Director ( Bronze Trophy)
Get 10 questions correct in a row in any game mode.
Solloquist ( Bronze Trophy)
Correctly answer every Pop Quiz or Hint Parade question in one Puzzle Block.
Casting Call ( Bronze Trophy)
Play a full game with each avatar.
Shy Starlet ( Bronze Trophy)
Finish a game with 2 unused Star points.
Cameo Appearance ( Bronze Trophy)
Answer one question correctly from every puzzle type.
Mise-en-Scene ( Bronze Trophy)
Correctly answer every Now Playing or Pictogram question in one Puzzle Block.
Reviewing the Dallies ( Bronze Trophy)
Correctly answer every Movie Clip question in one Puzzle Block.
Flash Forward ( Bronze Trophy)
Correctly answer every Credit Roll or Quotables question in one Puzzle Block.
Multiple Exposure ( Bronze Trophy)
Correctly answer every question in Final Cut.
Method Acting ( Bronze Trophy)
Correctly answer every Who Am I or Celebrity Ties question in one Puzzle Block.
Working Title ( Bronze Trophy)
Correctly answer every Anagram or Pictogram question in one Puzzle Block.
Dialect Coach ( Bronze Trophy)
Correctly answer every Soundclip or Songs & Slogans question in one Puzzle Block.
Soft Focus ( Bronze Trophy)
Correctly answer every Strike a Match or Sequentials questions in one Puzzle Block.
Finding the Macguffin ( Bronze Trophy)
Correctly answer every invisibles or Props question in one Puzzle Block.
Viewfinder Master ( Bronze Trophy)
Correctly answer every Distorted Reality or Visual Puzzler question in one Puzzle Block.
Drawing Up Storyboards ( Bronze Trophy)
Correctly answer every Sketches, Pixel Flix or Child's Play question in one Puzzle Block.
Party On! ( Bronze Trophy)
Play Party Play through 50 questions.
Life of the Party ( Bronze Trophy)
Score the most points in 5 consecutive Puzzle Blocks in a Party Play game with 4 players.
Quiz Quartet ( Bronze Trophy)
Play a 4-Player game.
Bonus Bandit ( Bronze Trophy)
Activate and win the Star System twice in one game.
Heroic Score ( Bronze Trophy)
Score more than 150,000 points in a Short Play Game with 2 or more players.
No Margin For Error ( Bronze Trophy)
Win a Short Play Game by less than 1000 points.
Legendary Score ( Bronze Trophy)
Score more than 300,000 points in a Long Play Game with 2 or more players.
Skin of Your Teeth ( Bronze Trophy)
Win a Long Play Game by less than 1000 points.
Hot and Cold ( Bronze Trophy)
Answer one Puzzle block all correct and another one all incorrect in the same Short Play Game.
False Start ( Bronze Trophy)
Score less than 50,000 points in Fast-Fire Game.
Come from Behind ( Bronze Trophy)
Place 4th place at the end of a round in a Long Play Game, then win the game.
Slippery Slope ( Bronze Trophy)
Lose the lead 5 times in a single game.
Upper Echelon ( Bronze Trophy)
In a game with 2 or more players, earn more points than any other player in 4 different categories.
Best Picture ( Bronze Trophy)
Successfully answer 40 questions about Oscar winning movies.
Best Actor ( Bronze Trophy)
Successfully answer 35 questions in Pop Quiz about Oscar winning actors and actresses.
Film Vault Tour ( Bronze Trophy)
Answer 100 Visual Puzzler, Distorted Reality, Props, or Invisibles Questions correctly.
Art House Tour ( Bronze Trophy)
Answer 100 Sketches, Child's Play, Pixel Flix, or Now Playing questions correctly.
Game Show Tour ( Bronze Trophy)
Answer 100 Sequentials, Strike a Match, Anagrams, or Pictograms Questions correctly.
Couch Potato ( Bronze Trophy)
Complete 5 games in Classic or Fast Fire.
Background Artist ( Silver Trophy)
Score more than 200,000 points in a Short Game.
Award-Winning Performance ( Silver Trophy)
Score 200,000 points in a Long Game.
Producer ( Silver Trophy)
Get 15 questions correct in a row in any game mode.
Sneak Preview ( Silver Trophy)
Answer 30 questions with the maximum amount of points.
Blazing Pace ( Silver Trophy)
Score more than 250,000 points in a Fast-Fire Game.
Lead Role ( Gold Trophy)
Score more than 400,000 poinrs in a Long Game.
Spotless Performance ( Gold Trophy)
Answer all questions correctly in a Long Play Game.
Faster Than Light ( Gold Trophy)
Score more than 500,000 points in a Fast-Fire Game.
100% Complete ( Platinum Trophy)
Earn all Scene It? Bright Lights! Big Screen! trophies to unlock the platinum trophy.
Dat je in De Sims niet in het huwelijksbootje kunt stappen is bij de ontwikkeling van de game een groot punt geweest. Ze waren bang voor de controverse.
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