Eerste cijfers Mass Effect 2 druppelen binnen


Mass Effect 2 is het langverwachte vervolg op de originele Mass Effect. De game komt 28 januari uit voor PC en Xbox 360. De eerste reviewcijfers van gamesites- en magazines komen al binnen.

Zo heeft GamesTM de game een perfecte store gegeven. Slechts 9 games hebben die perfecte score gehaald in de levenslijn van het blad. Check hieronder wat zij de plus- en minpunten vonden.

+ One of the most memorable opening sequences ever.

+ Improved combat. It not only rivals dedicated 'cover-shooters', it actually betters them (aside from Gears 2 and Uncharted).

+ Brilliant dialogue interrupt system.

+ More refined inventory/equipment management. Improvements to weapons, armour etc (which carry across all party members) are carried out on the Normandy via 'research documents' that you buy or find. Quality of the research is dependant on the 'elements' that you find when scanning planets.

+ Less planets to explore, but much more varied and diverse. Some kick off quests that send you off to other planets/locations.

+ Near 'miraculous' art direction. All the worlds create a cohesive looking universe, but are never derivative or repetitive.

+ Sharper cinematics. Snappier editing, restless camera movement.

+ Memorable, well written and deep characters (a career best for Bioware).

- Repercussions of choices made in the first game aren't as keenly felt as they'd have liked
