Rockstar GTA-Online

Gamejournalisten zijn lui...


President van de Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences vind gamejournalisten lui als het gaat om het reviewen van games. Ook Joseph Olin van Eidos is het met hem eens. Zo zegt hij dat ze niet genoeg tijd nemen voor het spelen van de game.

There are alot of game critics, but very little critical analysis. My pet peeve is that game reviewers are lazy. Not all, but in terms of the reviews something like 'This game isn't as good because let's compare it to that game over there and that game was great.' Who gives a, you know, bleep?

vertelde hij tegen website Shacknews.

How can you review a game, how can you give a comment about a game like Grand Theft Auto IV, that has 40-plus hours or more of gameplay, if you've only spent 2 and a half to 3 hours playing it? It would be like reviewing a movie but only seeing the opening, first reel. I don't think that's fair, or is it accurate.

Wat vind jij hiervan? Zijn gamejouralisten echt lui? Laat het even weten in de comments.

Rockstar GTA-Online
Rockstar GTA-Online