Nieuwe mappen voor Gears of War 2
23 maart 2009Gears of War fans kunnen eind deze maand weer aan de slag met nieuwe downloadable content. Vanaf 31 maart zijn er namelijk vier nieuwe mappen voor de...
7 november is een heugelijke dag voor veel Xbox 360-bezitters. Dan komt namelijk Gears of War 2 en kunnen we weer knallen op Locust!
1. Green as Grass: Train the rook (any difficulty) - (10)
2. It's A Trap!: Story progression in Chapter 2 - (10)
3. Escort Service: Story progression in Chapter 3 - (10)
4. Girl About Town: Story progression in Chapter 4 - (10)
5. That Sinking Feeling: Story progression in Chapter 5 - (10)
6. Freebaird!: Story progression in Chapter 6 - (10)
7. Heartbroken: Story progression in Chapter 7 - (10)
8. Longitude and Attitude: Story progression in Chapter 8 - (10)
9. Tanks For The Memories: Story progression in Chapter 9 - (10)
10. Water Sports: Story progression in Chapter 10 - (10)
11. Saved Maria: Story progression in Chapter 11 - (10)
12. Be Vewwy Vewwy Quiet: Story progression in Chapter 12 (passive) - (10)
13. We're Hunting Rabbit: Story progression in Chapter 12 (aggressive) - (10)
14. Wrapped In Beacon: Story progression in Chapter 13 - (10)
15. Have Fun Storming The Castle: Story progression in Chapter 14 - (10)
16. And The Horse You Rode In On: Story progression in Chapter 15 - (10)
17. They Just Keep Coming: Story progression in Chapter 16 - (10)
18. Brumak Rodeo: Story progression in Chapter 17 - (10)
19. Does This Look Infected To You?: Story progression in Chapter 18 - (10)
20. Reservist: Complete all campaign acts on Casual difficulty - (25)
21. Non-Commissioned Officer: Complete all campaign acts on Normal difficulty - (50)
22. Commissioned Officer: Complete all campaign acts (Hardcore difficulty) - (75)
23. Commander: Complete all campaign acts (Insane difficulty) - (150)
24. Tourist: Recover 5 Collectibles (any difficulty) - (5)
25. Pack Rat: Recover 20 Collectibles (any difficulty) - (50)
26. Completionist: Recover all 43 Collectibles (any difficulty) - (30)
27. Dom-Curious : Complete one chapter in co-op (any difficulty) - (10)
28. Domination: Complete ten chapters in co-op (any difficulty) - (30)
29. I Can't Quit You, Dom: Complete all acts in co-op (any difficulty) - (50)
30. Crossed Swords : Win a Chainsaw Duel - (10)
31. Ain't Too Proud To Beg : Crawl to a teammate and be revived - (10)
32. Pound of Flesh : Use a meat shield to absorb a killing blow - (10)
33. DIY Turret : Use a cover-mounted Gatling gun to kill three enemies without dismounting - (10)
34. Shock and Awe : Use the mortar to kill three enemies with a single shot - (10)
35. Said The Spider To The Fly : Kill an enemy with a planted grenade - (10)
36. Blowed Up Real Good : Kill three enemies with a single grenade tag - (10)
37. Shake and Bake : Kill three enemies with the flamethrower without reloading - (10)
38. Variety is the Spice of Death: Kill an enemy with every weapon in the game - (30)
39. Multi-Talented Executioner: Execute a downed enemy with every weapon in the game - (30)
40. Seriously 2.0: Kill 100,000 enemies, total, across all modes - (50)
41. Photojournalist : Submit a spectator photo - (10)
42. It Takes Two : Win Wingman with both team members alive - (10)
43. The Old Ball and Chain : Capture a Meat Flag in a winning match of Meat Flag - (10)
44. It's Good To Be The King : Finish a winning round of Assassination as the leader - (10)
45. You Go Ahead, I'll Be Fine : Collect all the rings value in a winning round of KOTH - (10)
46. Back To Basic: Complete Multiplayer Training Grounds - (20)
47. Can Do It All: Win a match of every multiplayer game type - (30)
48. Around The World: Win one match on each of the 12 MP maps - (30)
49. Survived To Five: Entire team must survive the first five waves of Horde (any difficulty) - (20)
50. Survived To Ten: Entire team must survive the first ten waves of Horde (any difficulty) - (30)
Vandaag zijn misschien de achievements van de game bekendgemaakt. Deze achievements zijn nog niet bevestigd. Voordat je begint met lezen, wil ik nog even zeggen dat er mogelijk spoilergevaar in zit.
In dit artikel
Je moet eerst inloggen om deze game aan je favorieten toe te voegen.
Epic Games
Microsoft Game Studios
7 november 2008
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