Stem op Obama of McCain op Xbox Live

Geplaatst: 21 augustus 2008 19:14
Aangepast: 6 juni 2018 14:42

Vanaf maandag 25 augustus kunnen Xbox Live gebruikers 'stemmen' op hun favoriete presidentskandidaat en hun mening erover geven. Deze promotionele actie is bedoeld om jonge mensen meer politieke invloed te laten hebben en waar kan je jonge mensen beter vinden dan op Xbox Live?

"To realise our goal of registering two million young Americans by this fall, we need to go where young Americans are, and there's no doubt in our minds that many are on Xbox 360 and Xbox Live. Through the Rock the Vote partnership, XBL members will be able to register to vote, voice their opinions to the candidates through an exclusive forum and participate in "potentially election-predicting polls".

Aldus Heather Smith, executive director van Rock the Vote.

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