Microsoft heeft een lijstje vrijgegeven omtrent Xbox Live. Hierin staat dat Xbox Live inmiddels 14 miljoen leden heeft. Ook Aaron Greenburg van Microsoft toelichting gegeven over de toekomst van Xbox Live en wat hij vindt van PlayStation Home
My impression of Home is that it seems to be Second Life for hardcore gamers. It's a virtual world and I think there was some excitement around that when it was announced a couple of years ago. At that time things like Second Life and the whole virtual world phenomenon was popular. But I think it feels kind of dated a couple of years later... We looked at doing virtual worlds and really the stickiness and longevity of that type of experience was really hard to make work. That's why we invested in things like the New Xbox Experience and really integrating into the platform.
I think that's been a different approach that we've taken. We've even seen other companies like Google and their 3D world that they've since canceled. I'm not really sure that world will really thrive in the living room on the console environment but we'll have to wait and see.
ls we kijken naar de cijfers heeft Microsoft zijn zaken goed geregeld met de Avatars. Uno heeft avatarondersteuning en sindsdien zijn de verkopen 650 procent gestegen. Greenberg zei ook dat we nog veel van Xbox Live kunnen verwachten. We wachten met spanning af!