Cyberpunk first-person shooter Metal Eden aangekondigd
vandaagReikon Games - bekend van o.a. Ruiner - is terug met een ambitieus project. Check hier de eerste gameplaybeelden van de cyberpunk actieshooter: Metal Eden.
Dante's Inferno is de game gebaseerd op het boek De Goddelijke Komedie. In de game moet Dante reizen door de 9 ringen van de hel.
Dante's Inferno is geen uitzondering als het gaat om achievements. Vandaag zijn de achievements bekendgemaakt voor de game. Check ze allemaal hieronder.
Slaughter at Acre (5 points)
Fight against the prisoner at Acre
Abandon All Hope (15 points)
Break through the Gates of Hell
Sentence the Judge (25 points)
Defeat King Minos
Lovers Torn Asunder (25 points)
Defeat Marc Antony
The Great Worm (25 points)
Defeat Cerberus
Like Father Like Son (25 points)
Defeat Alighiero
Gates of Dis (35 points)
Enter the lower circles of The Inferno
The Harrowing (35 points)
Escape Heresy
Brotherhood (40 points)
Defeat Francesco
Bitter Sweet (50 points)
Save Beatrice
Lucifer's Match (100 points)
Defeat the Emperor of the Woeful Realm
Precious (10 points)
Find a Beatrice stone
Power of the Cross (20 points)
Find all 3 Beatrice stones
Footsteps of a Traitor (10 points)
Find 10 pieces of silver
Betrayed with a Kiss (10 points)
Find 20 pieces of silver
Well Done, Judas (20 points)
Find All 30 pieces of silver
Relic Hunter (10 points)
Find a relic
Light Relics (20 points)
Find all Holy relics
Dark Relics (20 points)
Find all Unholy relics
Forbidden Love (20 points)
Find and absolve both Francesca da Polenta and Paolo Malatesta
Old Friend (20 points)
Find and absolve Brunetto Latini
The Damned (50 points)
Punish or absolve all 27 shades of The Inferno
The Guide (40 points)
Collect all Virgil commentaries
Soul Reaper (50 points)
Collect 60,000 Souls
Burning Eyes (10 points)
Send Charon back into the abyss
Warming Up (10 points)
Perform a 50 hit combo
Masterpiece (10 points)
Perform a 200 hit combo
Poetry in Motion (20 points)
Perform a 666 hit combo
Holy Warrior (10 points)
Kill 30 Minions
Demon Slayer (10 points)
Kill 30 Demons
Bad Nanny (10 points)
Kill 20 Unbaptized Babies
Indigestion (10 points)
Kill 5 Gluttons
Confessional (10 points)
Kill 5 Heretics
Countermeasures (10 points)
Kill 20 enemies using a counter move
Superstition (10 points)
Kill 20 enemies using magic
Give Me Strength (10 points)
Open 20 Health fountains
Sorcerer's Apprentice (10 points)
Open 20 Mana fountains
Light in the Dark (30 points)
Reach Holy Level 7
Death's Apprentice (30 points)
Reach Unholy Level 7
Holy Man (30 points)
Max out the Holy path
Man of Evil (30 points)
Max out the Unholy path
Gates of Hell (60 points)
Defeat all enemy waves in the Gates of Hell Arena
Reikon Games - bekend van o.a. Ruiner - is terug met een ambitieus project. Check hier de eerste gameplaybeelden van de cyberpunk actieshooter: Metal Eden.
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